Best Bites

2013 Best Bite #8: Basil + Cream + Roasted Strawberries from Middlewest

Each day in December, I’m celebrating the rest of the best bites (and sips) that I didn’t get to blog about in 2013, posted in chronological order. Browse all of this year’s Best Bites, or look back at 2012’s Best Bites.

Cake with basil, cream, roasted strawberries, ladyfingers, and pistachios
Cake with basil, cream, roasted strawberries, ladyfingers, and pistachios

Why it’s another 2013 Best Bite: I made this icebox cake out of Middlewest magazine for the Fourth of July and it was a hit. While the whole process was a bit time-consuming, the intense flavors were completely worth it. Layers of basil-infused whipped cream and soft, caramelized strawberries soaked into the spongy ladyfingers, with sweet and crunchy pistachios to top everything off.

Here is an awesome step-by-step video – made by Middlewest, not me! – if you want to see how the cake is assembled.

View another post about Middlewest.

The details: Purchase Middlewest here.